Love more, judge less




I often judge people. I don’t mean to and it is something that I am working on. I try to be more aware of it and sometimes when it happens I catch myself in the act. I experienced this quite recently. A few days ago my daughter was being fussy so I decided to take her for a walk in her stroller. As we were out, I saw someone walking towards me. Keep on reading!

I am a proud Single Mom



I have heard a lot of insults over my lifetime. Every person has. And most of the time they really don’t bother me because I know that they either aren’t true or are coming from someone with their own issues.  But recently, someone tried to insult me for being a single mother and I found it really puzzling because why would being a single mom somehow be a physical or character flaw that someone sees in me? Keep on reading!

The Mommy Wish List


Every person has a wish list. You know, the list of things you want but might not necessarily be able to have right now? For some people it’s a luxury car or a new house or a trip to an exotic destination. I definitely have a wish list like that! On it are some pretty fabulous trips, a walk-in closet like Cher had in the movie Clueless Keep on reading!

Dear Faith


Dear Faith;

I don’t know you or anything about who you are as a person. All I know is that Brock Turner violated you in the most horrific, sad, disturbing, violent and upsetting way that I can ever imagine. What he did to you is unfathomable. What he took from you is something that can never be replaced. Who he is as a person is disgusting. But this letter isn’t about him or intended for him; it’s for you. Keep on reading!